Work With Me
What to expect in a reading: Using the collective archetypes and a carefully honed intuition, I’ll help you align your heart and mind with the messages from the stars that are waiting to be heard. Once the resonance is flowing in a reading, there typically isn’t much in the way of surprises. I simply interpret how the stars are already reflecting back to you all that you already know about yourself and your life. It’s a deeply personal process, and requires a willingness to become vulnerable and honest about how it’s resonating or not resonating. You are the expert on your birth chart more than anyone else, because it’s a blueprint for your soul’s path, and yours alone. It often takes a combination of my interpretation and your lived experience to hone into the most accurate message. What remains true is that all I wish for is for your soul’s expression in this life to feel seen and shine bright. So I’ll provide the space for our open communication to flow, so that you feel apart of the team that we truly are: you, the soul, and me, the optimist, yet grounded navigator, who transports you closer to your soul map.

How to book - fill out the booking inquiry form below.
Initial readings:
New clients. We will discuss highlights of your chart that stand out to me, always in relation to the individual intent that brought you to book a reading with me at this particular point in time. Both birth chart placements and aspects are discussed, as well as present and near future transits occurring.
*It’s not uncommon to book an initial reading around the times of some of the other readings listed below, such as a generational transit or solar return, so when that’s the case, I combine a lighter version of the in-depth info you’d receive from the specialized reading into this one.
$120-140 (sliding scale) for a 75 minute reading + audio recording
Follow-up readings:
For return clients. For particular questions or concerns that give us direction to dive deeper into several aspects of the birth chart and transits occurring. It’s always a great experience to learn more about your chart and how the different archetypes manifest in your life in their cyclical manner.
$70-90 (sliding scale) for a 45 minute reading + audio recording