About Diana Cary
I’ve always been a healer. Being a Virgo Sun means that it’s important to find my right livelihood in service to others, in order for my soul to shine its brightest. I’ve gone through many different modalities over the years, searching for the most resonant one for my soul to sink its teeth into. The career part of my chart can be interpreted to mean that it would inevitably be slow to ripen, but once it did, down the rabbit hole I would fall, with deep intensity and passion. And I haven’t come up for air since the astrology abyss caught me over 9 years ago.
I gained a lot of life experience in my 20s, starting with a BA in Psychology, followed by a decade in the mental health field, with 2 years mixed in there of schooling, apprenticing, and building a practice in an alternative somatic healing modality. I felt balanced supporting people in physical, emotional, mental, and energetic explorations, yet I still hadn’t found the deep dive that, according to my chart, I was inherently craving.
So when my Saturn Return hit, I left everything I knew to be true in my life behind, and spent 2 years traveling while studying permaculture and biodynamic farming, as well as meditation and yoga. And when my Saturn Return had just been completed, I was suddenly aware of the weight of the unaddressed trauma I’d been carrying around. With the lessons of Saturn on my side, it was time to roll up my sleeves and work hard at healing the pain.
And synchronistically, that’s when astrology officially wove its way into my world. I was living in a shared space where the stars were the focal point of almost every conversation. This was the missing piece for me: the soulful exploration. I soon discovered that what I was experiencing in reality was constantly being reflected back to me by my natal chart in alignment with the stars in the current sky.
It was a difficult time of life, but what could initially be considered arbitrary happenings, were actually creating soul-shaking meaning and a sense of pure magic in my life. My Saturn Return gifted me with the stamina and tenacity to address significantly dark shadows that desperately required attention. It was anything but clear sailing through those storms, but I suddenly had a roadmap that I could depend on - the stars.
Astrology doesn’t change the terrain or weather systems (eg. the hard work that always accompanies a Saturn transit, for example), but it gives meaningful direction on how to navigate our way through the stormy seas to a safe harbour.
Astrology simply reminds us to listen carefully to our soul’s truest calling. What’s wild is, even when we’re not paying attention to the stars (as is common for the majority), as long as we remain true to our inner voice and remain centered on our internal compass, the stars are always there, like tiny sparkling magical companions, reflecting our choices and experiences. As above, so below, we become “grounded in the stars.”